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What happens on the day of my surgery?

You will meet with several doctors before the procedure. Preoperative examinations will include blood tests, urinalysis, X-ray, ultrasound, EKG, pulmonary function test, endoscopy, and consultations with an anesthesiologist, cardiologist, chest specialist, internal medicine consultant, and psychiatrist.

How many days after the Sleeve surgery can I fly home?

You will stay in the hospital for 3 nights after the surgery and will be able to fly home on the 4th day. However, our package includes 1 night of hotel accommodation.

Are we allowed to have ice cream, ice pops, or lollies during the puree stage after Sleeve surgery?

Yes, but opt for sugar-free varieties.

When can I begin consuming alcohol?

You can start drinking alcohol after 6 weeks, but it’s not advisable to have fizzy drinks as they can cause gas; hence, it’s better to opt for non-carbonated beverages like orange or cranberry juice. Additionally, be aware that you’ll experience the effects of alcohol more rapidly than before.

What is the recovery period following Sleeve surgery?

Most patients experience a very rapid recovery, and after staying in the hospital for 3 days, they can typically resume their regular daily activities since Sleeve Surgery is performed using a minimally invasive approach.

What is the dietary plan post sleeve surgery?

The initial phase involves liquids (for the first 2 weeks after discharge), followed by the puree stage (2 weeks), and then transitioning to soft solid foods while gradually introducing new items. If certain foods cause discomfort, it’s advisable to pause and try reintroducing them 2 or 3 weeks later.

How long after sleeve surgery do I have to wait before getting pregnant?

We recommend waiting for 1 year before planning a pregnancy.

What medications will I need after the surgery?

The postoperative package provided to you before discharge includes various items such as abdominal protectors, blood-thinning injections, vitamins, and more. Detailed instructions on how to take your medications can be found in your postoperative medication package.

How does the Sleeve surgery work?

Gastric sleeve surgery operates as a restrictive procedure, inducing weight loss by limiting the amount of food intake. Additionally, it is effective in removing the portion of the stomach that produces the Ghrelin hormone, which triggers appetite and hunger. The elimination of Ghrelin results in a significant decrease in appetite. When combined with behavioral changes, surgery proves to be a proven method for achieving long-term weight loss in obese individuals.

Are there specific foods that I won’t be able to eat after surgery?

Some individuals may find it challenging to tolerate certain foods, and this varies from person to person. Commonly, foods initially known to cause issues include dry meat, soft white bread, rice, stringy or fibrous vegetables, salad, sweetcorn, nuts, dried fruit, and seeds. If you cannot tolerate a particular food, try it again in a few weeks; there is a lot of adaptation in the first few months.

When can I resume sexual intercourse after my Sleeve surgery?

Individual experiences may vary, but it is generally recommended to wait around 2-3 weeks after the surgery.

Do I need to discontinue any of my medications before my sleeve surgery?

This depends on the medications you are currently taking, so a member of our team will provide guidance.

Is there anything I should be aware of to facilitate my preparation before coming for surgery?

Since you will be undergoing surgery in a foreign country, it’s important to have realistic expectations and maintain a positive mindset that supports recovery. If you consume a significant amount of coffee, consider reducing your intake the week before to potentially alleviate withdrawal headaches that some patients may experience after surgery.

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